Some days you have to throw all plans away and just go with it. Today was one of those days and I am so glad because I got to spend some of the best moments with B. She got to go Easter Egg hunting at daddy's work today and loved it! I can't tell you the last time she ran up to me with the biggest smile on her face laughing so loudly! These are the moments a mom dreams about. Seeing her first born so excited about something she can't control it. Oh how I wish as adults we could feel that way as often as they do. It was truly a special day. No one slept at our house today and so we barely made it out of the tub before her eyes closed. I guess we aren't brushing teeth tonight.
On top of all this I decided today that I wanted to bake. This is something I rarely do, but just went with it. The kitchen was covered in flower, sugar, chocolate chips and zucchini. B loves to be in the kitchen and so she ran over to hear what all the noise was about. Standing on a stool she helped me make 2 loaves of zucchini bread and a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I even let her taste the cookie dough!! Oh and I about burned the house down turning on the wrong burner for dinner. To the garbage you go bowl. Today was a great day.