Sunday, March 25, 2012

History in the making

My how time flies!  B is almost 17 months old now!  The past couple of years have brought so much joy to my life I don't even know where to begin.  From first words to first steps; first signs to first tantrums; it has been an adventure.  I've cried more times than I can count, laughed even more than cried and even felt like screaming a few times.  I wouldn't change a thing. 

A couple months ago after a very long, 12 hour!, day at work I come home to find her getting ready for a bath.  She gets to, "air it out," before tub time.  Right now she is in love with shoes, all shoes all shapes and all sizes.  Standing in my work shoes in the kitchen I decide to take a picture of her.  "OMG!  She totally pooped in my shoe!!"  A and I are in histarics!  Of cource she starts crying and I have to console her.  While in the tub I look at the pictures I took and am brought to the floor with laughter.  I had it on camera, mid drop!  I share the picture with A and delete of course.  I wonder if I will wish I had saved that for blackmail when she is a teenager...?

This is our life, and we love it.

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